Are you curious about yerba mate and its benefits and want to give it a try but don't know where to start? We've prepared a list of everything you need in your starter kit to make the perfect yerba mate at home!
Natural Calabash
The first thing you'll need for an authentic mate experience is a calabash, a special vessel for drinking yerba mate. Traditionally, it is made from a dried and hollowed-out gourd, known as a calabash. Nowadays, calabashes come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, including glass, wood, or stainless steel. However, gourd calabashes remain the most popular choice, as each piece is unique and their use is rooted in centuries-old tradition in South America.

Another essential tool you'll need for your calabash is a bombilla, which is a straw with a filter at the end. Just like calabashes, bombillas come in various sizes, colors, and materials, so you can always choose one that suits your style. We recommend opting for stainless steel and also making sure that the bombilla matches the size of your calabash.

Yerba Mate
The final step to the perfect cup of mate is high-quality yerba. The quality of the leaves is crucial in determining the final taste, aroma, and texture of your drink, so choose carefully. We typically recommend beginners try yerba brands from Argentina or Paraguay. These brands offer the most classic, straightforward, and clean flavor that isn't too strong or smoky, allowing you to comfortably get used to the taste of mate.

A great way to get acquainted with the world of yerba mate is to order one of our Yerbox starter kits, which already includes your perfect starter set. Yerbox offers a wide selection of kits that feature authentic calabashes and bombillas, as well as a range of some of the best yerba mate brands on the market. If you're an experienced mate drinker and would like to dive deeper into what mate has to offer, you'll surely appreciate our carefully selected tasting packs with the best yerba brands from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil.